what the fuck.... 1 year already??? and i havent quit yet???

hello everyone, caramel64 here!! i initially wrote a paragraph about add and how ive been taking medication and apologizing for the lack of a comic upload last week but its too long and a bit sour if not boring for the purposes of this post so i removed it lmao. im doing fine, still struggling but im doing better
now onto what i actually wanna say...
like, what the fuck?? i knew i wasnt gonna go unnoticed by continously posting my webcomic in multiple places, but the actual amount of support ive gotten throughout the year is more than i wouldve ever imagined!!! i see people linking o.r.b. in their personal websites, talking about it, ive gotten fanart too (granted most of it comes from asking people in art trades but there have been surprise fanarts i didnt expect to get), and somehow this website is the second most viewed website in neocities that uses the "yuri" tag HOW IS THIS HAPPENING AHHHHHHHH!!!! (probably web crawlers but still, HOW)

(shoutout to lorelei and the ghost and nomnomnami btw hiiiii)
thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart, it warms my heart to see that people like my orbs, even if i like to be annoying about them!
i plan to be even MORE annoying about them next year, i have a few projects behind the scenes that i dont wanna talk about yet. theyre not part of the webcomic, just small side dishes to accompany the main course which is the comic itself. and regarding the comic itself... well, i'll do my best to keep it running for as long as i can! i don't know if i'll introduce new characters or lore, tbh i dont have anything planned besides maybe some blog posts explaining more about the orbs. for now i just wanna make funny comics, and if something comes up well i'll just roll with it!!!
thank you, once again, for reading my webcomic, i cant express how much its helping me in terms of motivation and self esteem. im glad i havent quit the comic after a few months, and im going to try to keep going for as long as possible!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
(fanart by moralem!!!!)

- caramel64