ahhhhhhhhhhhh........ hi
so, i was right, school did indeed take away a lot of my time... and surprisingly, a lot of my energy too. its just, like, hard you know? my classes always start at 3:45 pm and end at 10 pm. i have very little time in the morning that i constantly use for homework and studying (and riptober), and when i come home all i wanna do is sleep. sorry for the sudden vent, but, oooooooh god this shit is hard. don't worry because i'm trying! i prommy! but not gonna lie, things are looking a bit dark right now. bleh
enough venting! let's get onto slightly more positive news, shall we?
first off, i made some changes to the website! mainly the big warning on the main page, which is what i want to talk about. there is a nsfw-ish joke coming up in a couple of weeks (nothing explicit, just a textual joke), and after some consideration and advices from my friends and wife ive come to the conclusion that it's for the best if i make it clear that this webcomic is not for all ages. it was never intended to be, and it never will be.
you probably already got the hint of this from the movie night comic from a few months ago, and the purpose of this is to finally remove the risk of a child redading O.R.B.. simply put, i don't want to limit my humor in these strips.... well YES there are going to be some limits, i am not going to make edgy jokes because that isnt my type of humor, and im never gonna outright publish porn or anything explicit on this website, but i wanna be able to make jokes of dark and/or sexual nature, and for that i am going to need to limit my audience a bit. i don't mind not being able to post some of my comics in more sanitized spaces, that's not an issue, but i don't want a child to read this comic and get uncomfortable at the sex jokes.
hope you all understand! hopefully it's not too late to make this change
there was a third thing i wanted to talk about but i... forgot what it was as i was typing this. uhhh hold on i need a moment to think
AHHH YES I REMEMBER (yes, you're reading my genuine live reaction)
ok, SO!!!! this webcomic got approved to be part of the WEB/COMIC/RING!!! hoorrayy!!! now O.R.B. is sitting next to some of the most talented artists i've seen and their own webcomics such as Nuclear Bones and House Of Lief! even my friend athena hopped onto the W/C/R hype!! such a honor to be there. thanks bweird!!!!
you can find the WEB/COMIC/RING webring (and a couple of other fellow webcomics!) at the bottom of the index, but i really really want everyone to check it out so i am going to link it here for the sake of convenience!!
GO VISIT https://webcomicring.org/ RRRAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
oh, and the whimsical button got relocated somewhere else. good luck finding it!!!
thanks for reading -) byeeeee
(commission by thejuicedbox!!!!)

- caramel64